Rockwood Football Club Volunteer Screening Policy

Rockwood FC is proud to ensure that our children will play in a happy, healthy and safe environment. As such, ALL volunteers having direct contact and interaction with Rockwood FC soccer players MUST go through an authorized screening process. All screening will be conducted by Triton which is an independent organization specializing in this activity. The prospective volunteer will receive an ‘invitation’ email containing a link from the Volunteer Screening Coordinator.  The prospective volunteer completes a confidential screening process in the comfort and privacy in their own home in an online process. Triton reviews the application and provides a response to both the Coordinator and the applicant, normally within 48 – 72 hours. Rockwood FC covers all costs associated with this process – there is no charge to the volunteer. The screening approval will be in effect for two (2) years and must be renewed every third (3rd) year.  If fingerprinting is requested, the volunteer will be required to go the Police Station near their residence and complete the check through the local police force.