General Protocols

All participants must ensure they are healthy. If a participant experiences any of the following symptoms, they should not attend soccer activities for 14 days after symptoms have resolved.

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • A dry cough
  • Loss of appetite
  • Body aches
  • Shortness of breath
  • Mucus or phlegm

Further symptoms may include

  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Chills, sometimes with shaking
  • Loss of smell or taste
  • Stuffy nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Emergency Symptoms

Call a doctor or hospital right away if you have one or more of these COVID-19 symptoms:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Constant pain or pressure in your chest
  • Bluish lips or face
  • Sudden confusion


Proper hygiene can help reduce the risk of infection or spreading infection to others:

  • wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the washroom and when preparing food
  • use alcohol-based hand sanitizerif soap and water are not available
  • cough or sneeze into a tissue or the bend of your arm, not your hand
  • dispose of any tissues you have used as soon as possible in a lined waste basket and wash your hands afterwards
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands

If any participant begins to develop symptoms related to covid-19 they must self isolate for 14 days and will not be permitted to participate in any RFC activity until 14 days after symptoms have been resolved. If a participant chooses to get a covid test, and the results are negative, they can return to soccer activities with proof of a negative test. If there is a case on any specific team we will contact public health and they will advise on whether that team is to cease soccer activities or can continue. The team involved will be notified of the positive case and we will advise them on direction public health gives us

Protocols for Players


 It is recommended that all who are able get vaccinated. All players over the age of 18, must be fully vaccinated by their 18th birthday.

It is recommended that all players utilize the “Self-Check” on Ontario COVID-19 Self-Assessment App before attending practice.  All participants will complete an attestestion of wellness and contact tracing each time they attend a soccer activity.

All participants must ensure they are healthy. If you experience any of the symptoms, please follow recommendations and contact your medical health provider If a participant experiences any of the following symptoms, they should not attend soccer activities for 14 days after symptoms have resolved.

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • A dry cough
  • Loss of appetite
  • Body aches
  • Shortness of breath
  • Mucus or phlegm

Further symptoms may include

  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Chills, sometimes with shaking
  • Loss of smell or taste
  • Stuffy nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

If you experience any of the symptoms, please follow recommendations and contact your
medical health provider.

*Always follow the instructions from coaches and respect physical distancing.

*Arrive no more than 10 minutes prior to activity commencing.

*Do not congregate at the facility entry point.

*Bring your own water bottles clearly labelled with your name.

*Bring a bag to keep your belongings in.

*Do not share water bottles.

*Follow the hygiene protocols.

*All “non-essential” contacts should be avoided (handshakes, high 5’s, etc.).

*Only use your own equipment

*Wash hands with hand sanitizer immediately before leaving home, after soccer activities, and during scheduled breaks.

*Do not spit at any time.

*Any individual equipment used should be taken home and washed separately from others in
the household (e.g. uniform).

*Carry hand sanitizer in order to enable good personal hygiene.

*Cover mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze.

*Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth.

*Shower at home after training

Protocols for Parents

Please click on to view Royal Distributing Athletic Performance Centre Protocols

*Spectators- spectator capacity may be limited by the facility

*All spectators 12 years of age and above must be double vaccinated to enter the indoor training facility.

*All spectators must sign a waiver for the facility

* All spectators must wear a mask while inside the facility

*Avoid congregating at facility entry points.

*Remind players to arrive to training dressed and ready, as change rooms will not be available.

*Exercise physical distancing 2m at all times

*Ensure player  checks-in for completion of wellness attestation and attendance at the soccer activity.

*At home, ensure all the player’s equipment is washed separately from the other household items.

*Ensure child is healthy and has no sign of COVID-19 symptoms.

Drop and pickup player while maintaining desired rules and regulations around pick-up/drop-off and being a spectator if allowed. Each player under the age of 18 may have ONE parent or guardian attend. The parent or guardian must stay 3m back from field and must not enter the field of play. The parent or guardian must remain physically distanced 3m from others, while observing or using park facilities.Entrance to the fields will be on the side closest to the parking lot, exit the field area using the opposite end and proceed around the walking trail back to the parking lot maintaining distancing.

Protocols for Coaches

*Per Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health all coaches must be double vaccinated

*Coaches should wipe down personal and field equipment using the disinfected swabs or towels or sanitizing spray before and immediately after each session (do not go home and then clean – contaminated items may travel into the home environment).

*Only Coaches/Staff should handle equipment.

*Avoid using shared pinnies or any other additional equipment.

*Structure activities to maximize physical distancing.

*Limit hand contact to equipment.

*Schedule regular sanitization breaks combined with water breaks.