Almost everyone involved in soccer throughout Ontario is well aware of the ongoing integration of our Long-Term Player Development initiative.  Many of our Districts and Clubs have not only embraced the “concept” in theory but have become leaders in creating a culture change in how we deliver the game to boys and girls.

While we continue to receive a lot of questions about LTPD and recognize that not everyone was initially supportive of change, we have found that the response at the Club level so far has been overwhelmingly positive.

More and more Clubs want to do what is best for young players, and a focus on skills development is essential to kids having fun—and keeping them in the game.

We recently came across an article from the Chicago Tribune newspaper that referenced what the Ontario Soccer Association, in conjunction with our Districts and Clubs, is working to achieve here in Ontario. Please take the time to read the article below – you might find the perspective quite interesting.

Alex Chiet
Chief Technical Officer
